Let’s face it. Life is hard and there are plenty of ups and downs. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal with a "down" day! We're no experts in chocolate, bath bombs, or the latest workout routines, but we do know an easy and little-known trick to help boost your mood. It all has to do with something you use every day: lighting. How does it …
Ready For An Upgrade – Try a Remote Controlled Ceiling Fan
Do you love the benefits you’ve received from your traditional ceiling fan, like increased air circulation or more cost savings per month– but feel ready for an upgrade? A remote controlled ceiling fan, just might do the trick in helping you reap all of the rewards one can offer. When it comes to home design, a ceiling fan can be at the center …
Which Forms of Light Cause Long-Term Damage to Your Eyesight?
As humans, we are surrounded by light. Unfortunately, over time, certain types of light waves can be damaging to our eyes! With the naked eye, we can only detect lightwaves on the visible light spectrum, so it’s important to educate yourself on how to keep your eyes protected. As you might know from experience, ultraviolet light from the sun …